Chenani boasts a rich history intricately woven with the valor of the Saini Rajputs. A notable chapter in this historical tapestry unfolds during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. This era witnessed the fragmentation of India into various small kingdoms. Among them, Haripur stood as a petite state situated in the region encompassing Sialkot (now in Pakistan) and Jammu. The echoes of its historical significance resonate in the present, as it is now known by the name Sohagpur, specifically Sohagpur Chenani.
The establishment of the Municipal Committee Chenani marked a crucial milestone in the governance of this region. On the 30th of November 1962, under the designation of a Notified Area by the virtue of SRO 372, Chenani officially constituted its Municipal Committee. This committee played a pivotal role in local administration, overseeing an area of 1.50 square kilometers.
Bounded by distinct geographical parameters, the Municipal Committee Chenani embarked on its mission to address the civic and developmental needs of the region. The historical resonance of Chenani, coupled with the governance instituted through its Municipal Committee, underscores the continuity of its significance through the ages. Today, Chenani stands as a testament to its past, a community with a rich heritage, and a municipality dedicated to shaping its future.