Bari Brahmana town is very important town of Jammu & Kashmir situated at National Highway at a distance of 16 Kilometers from Jammu city and 85 Km from the Lakhanpur town. Bari Brahmana is constituted as Notified Area Committee under SRO 735 Dated: 29th November 1978 and latter on constituted as Municipal Committee in the year 2002. Bari Brahmana is also an Industrial Town, due to this fact town remains crowded all the times and is thickly populated. Due to its Industrial importance and situated on the National Highway, people from the adjoining areas come to this town for their better livehood and most of them have settled here permanently. The Bari Brahmana town comprises of 1 to 13 wards & its population as per Census 2011 is 15453, floating population is about 50,000 & is spread over 2.50 & there are 2339 Households.