शहरी स्थानीय निकाय विभागMunicipal Council Kishtwar

C&T Vehicles

List Of C&T Vehicles

S.No Type of Vehicles Engine No. Chassis No.
1. Hopper Tipper Dumper on TATA Intra V10 3.3 CU.M (Diesel BSVI) 8OOCCDIO2PYXSD6T3O MAT535309MYP56234
2. Hopper Tipper Dumper Capacity 1.8 cubic Meter 7OOCCDIO2PYXSD6632 MAT559029N2A00249

List of Private Desludging Operators

S.No Name of Operator Address of Operator No of Sewer Cleaning Vehicle Registartion No of Vehicle Capacity of Vehicle No of Manpower Available De sludge Location
nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil